The Psychological Background of Islamic Radicalisation

Push and Pull Risk Factors

doi: 10.32577/mr.2023.3.10


Law enforcement agencies faced extreme challenges in the last decade, with the global spread of terrorist acts based on extremist islamic ideology. Terrorism is one of the main threats to the internal security of the EU. Psychology can help study the seemingly invisible elements of Islamic radicalisation. Understanding motivational factors are becoming increasingly important for effective prevention, detection and deradicalisation programmes. In this paper, I will take a psychological approach to radicalisation and highlight the role of identification and socialisation. Central to identification is the emotional attachment to the attachment figure and the primary socialisation group members. These flexibly shape an individual’s thinking,
feelings, behaviour and motives. Extremism is a process whereby a vulnerable young person develops extreme thinking, even against the values of the primary socialisation group, which can lead to violence. Drawing on case studies, I outline the psychological and law enforcement intervention points for radicalisation and highlight the role of mental health problems of radical offenders. Psychological interventions can help not only the treatment of persons with mental disorders, but also significantly reduce the future incidence of violent acts. In this way, psychological intervention can also have a crime prevention function, and cooperation between health services and law enforcement agencies can be a priority.


mental disorder psychology vulnerability terrorism religious extremism

How to Cite

Farkas, J. (2023). The Psychological Background of Islamic Radicalisation: Push and Pull Risk Factors. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 23(3), 159–173.


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