The Criminal Significance of Psychoses
Copyright (c) 2024 Bellavics Mária Zsóka
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The criminal significance of psychiatric disorders is well known both among theoretical and practical specialists. Although psychoses is critical in terms of the mental state, the concept of it is still surrounded by many misunderstandings to this day. This may be due to the extremely complex and diverse nature of the phenomenon of psychoses. The heterogeneity of psychoses can be observed both in terms of symptomatology and etiology. There are four subgroups of psychoses based on etiology; organic, endogenic, exogenic and reactive psychoses. The symptoms come with psychoses vary by the background disorder, and in certain cases phenomenon typical to the basic disorder can be seen. The longitudinal outcome, the impact on the behavior and the mental capacity may alter in the case of different etiologies. The knowledge of the characteristics of psychoses with different background and its predisposing nature to deviancy may support the work not only of healthcare professionals but also of experts of law enforcement and criminal law. In the present paper, we investigate the psychotic state along its criminological significance, with a special regard to the psychiatric and other disorders on the basis of which psychosis may appear. The concept of psychosis is presented along with the most important phenomena associated with it, and we summarize briefly the four subgroups of the disorders trigger psychoses the most often. The aim of this study is to
present psychosis and its criminal significance as clearly as possible, hence to give a deeper understanding of this special psychiatric phenomenon to law enforcement and criminal justice professionals.
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