Facial Image Analysis and Facial Image Identification as a Classic Field of Forensics

doi: 10.32577/mr.2023.3.9


Facial image analysis and identification are one of the most dynamically developing forensic fields of our time. This study aims to draw parallels between facial image identification and the so-called classic forensic expert fields. The classic fields of forensic expertise, the so-called pattern recognition methods, like latent print comparison or tool mark comparison, are not part of any science, the expert performs a visual comparison of image patterns, based on the ACE-V methodology. According to our thesis, the facial image identification analyzer works similarly.


facial image analysis facial image identification forensics ACE-V fingerprints pattern evidence

How to Cite

Mészáros, A., & Petrétei, D. (2023). Facial Image Analysis and Facial Image Identification as a Classic Field of Forensics. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 23(3), 149–157. https://doi.org/10.32577/mr.2023.3.9


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