A Basic Research Experiment in the Study of Policing

doi: 10.32577/mr.2023.3.4


The authors of the article are committed to a set of values that emphasise the primacy of human dignity. One of them is a student at the Doctoral School of Law Enforcement, the other is the student’s supervisor. This paper is based on a longer interview between the two of them and the Ph.D. student’s co-subject supervisor, in which they discussed a liveable society, the importance of individual and community participation in decision-making, the quality and role of justice in a well-functioning society, and the dichotomy of freedom and security. They share a common purpose and their careers have been guided by a vision of a democratically functioning police force in a modern society. The interviews were finally published by documenting their common reflections, including interview elements, structured around thematic elements. In this form, the authors were able to express their ideas in a more focused
way, which could help develop a police force based on such an intellectual foundation.


justice freedom safety liveable society trilemma theory

How to Cite

Cieleszky, P., & Molnár, K. (2023). A Basic Research Experiment in the Study of Policing. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 23(3), 75–87. https://doi.org/10.32577/mr.2023.3.4


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