Trends in the Number of Arrests in the Pandemic in the Security and Environmental Awareness Dimension
Copyright (c) 2023 Czenczer Orsolya
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The prison organisation is a state armed law enforcement agency that performs unique, specific tasks defined in a separate law. Basically, we can think of the penitentiary organisation as the ultimate enforcer of the state’s criminal law needs, its main profile is the execution of prison sentences. However, it performs a much more colourful and multifaceted task. It is also responsible, among other things, for the execution – or more precisely, the execution – of arrests resulting from criminal proceedings, which are the most serious restrictions on personal liberty, a coercive measure under criminal procedure law, subject to judicial authorisation. In this study, we examine the impact of the pandemic on arrest trends in domestic prison institutions and the long-term impact on occupancy rates in the number of detainees arrested.
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