The Barnahus Model and Its Practical Problems in Hungary
Copyright (c) 2023 Fantoly Zsanett
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The study presents one of the new tools of child-friendly
justice, the Icelandic interrogation method known as the Barnahus model. The interrogation technique aimed at avoiding secondary victimization of the victim is of Icelandic origin, but some of its elements are included in the new Criminal Procedure Act (Act XC. of 2017) also appear. The study examines how the Icelandic model can be adapted to the domestic criminal procedure system, and in practice
what problems the adaptation of individual legal institutions may lead to. Can the need to establish the realistic facts in the verdict be sacrificed in order to avoid further psychological harm to the abused child, and in general: how can the interests of the criminal justice system be reconciled with the personal interests of the victim?
How to Cite
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