Other Aspects of Forensic Glass Examination

The fractography

doi: 10.32577/mr.2022.4.2


United Nations approves 2022 as the International Year of Glass. In connection with this, it is relevant to present a sub-field of forensic glass examinations, which has so far been little discussed in Hungarian journals. Among our everyday glass objects, window panes, for example, can be struck by various objects at relatively low or high speeds during the commission of certain crimes. This external effect can eventually lead to deformation and breakage of the glass. In some cases, the pattern that forms on the glass surface during breakage can carry important information about the causes of the breakage, the direction of the force, from which the mechanism of the process that took place can be deduced. Experiments were carried out to illustrate the characteristic fracture patterns that occur under the influence of external forces acting on glass. Based on the international literature and the results of our experiments, we present the method used in practice through examples.


forensic glass examination condition factors of glass mechanism of fracture 4R rule ellipse method reconstruction

How to Cite

Fülöp, P., & Vörös, T. (2023). Other Aspects of Forensic Glass Examination: The fractography. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 22(4), 33–46. https://doi.org/10.32577/mr.2022.4.2


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