Criminal Organisations Involved in the International Illegal Trade in Animals and Plants

doi: 10.32577/mr.2022.1.12


In my article, I examine the structure, operation, and structure of criminal organisations involved in international illegal animal and plant trafficking. The danger to society posed by the international illegal trade in animals and plants is that it is closely linked to organised crime. International research to date has revealed that illegal trade in animals and plants across continents in any case requires a form of group crime where an accurate division of labour can be observed. These forms of group crime do not always reach the level of organised crime and the internationally accepted group of criminal organisations (Palermo Convention), as in many cases they form a loosely connected, opportunistic group of criminals. Starting from the divisions based on previous research, I examine the structure and operation of some detected criminal groups and criminal organisations globally, and classify them. The reports of international organisations on such matters (UNODC, Interpol, TRAFFIC) serve as a source for this. The article and the results of the study show that the topic deserves high priority and that using this knowledge in the field of law enforcement can contribute to curbing the growing prevalence of organised crime and the protection of protected animal and plant species.


organised crime criminal organisations illegal trade in animals and plants CITES Palermo Convention

How to Cite

Zsigmond, C. (2022). Criminal Organisations Involved in the International Illegal Trade in Animals and Plants. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 22(1), 195–223.


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