Are ‘Paedophile’ Perpetrators Really Paedophiles?

doi: 10.32577/mr.2022.3.4


Nowadays we hear more and more about the commission of sexual crimes, and also about the victims who can both be adults and children. Common language and sometimes the scientific thinking also tend to refer to the perpetrator of acts of harm to children as paedophiles, all without real knowledge or misapplication. Paedophilia is a well-defined psychiatric disease which, by its nature, cannot be the basis of a legal term. In this article, I will try to present the clinical symptoms of paedophilia, as there are well-defined symptoms in the paedophilia criteria system as a psychiatric disorder. I urge the consolidation of a practice in which paedophilia is used in a purely clinical context and law and law enforcement uses the term molestation to typify the perpetrator. The latter avoids criminalising the disease and leaves it in its original meaning. In the present study, I also attempt to outline an analytical psychological presentation of molesting offenders.


sexual offense psychopathology sexual dysfunction paedophilia child molester

How to Cite

Erdélyi, Ákos. (2022). Are ‘Paedophile’ Perpetrators Really Paedophiles?. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 22(3), 69–82.


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évi C. törvény a Büntető Törvénykönyvről

évi LXXIX. törvény a pedofil bűnelkövetőkkel szembeni szigorúbb fellépésről, valamint a gyermekek védelme érdekében egyes törvények módosításáról


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