The Road from Police Academy to University

  • Finszter Géza
doi: 10.32577/mr.2021.1.ksz.7


There was a long way from the first police officer courses organized in 1946 to the National Public Service University. A number of difficult questions have to be answered in the process of founding a law enforcement school. They range from the entry requirements through designating training levels to distribution of appropriate shares between theory and practice. Searching the route is on the agenda even today. The perspective of police academy education has a starting point according to which training of law enforcement officers requires an institutional system transferring the internal world of police agencies into the Alma Mater. As opposed to that, education of the leading intelligentsia of law enforcement has to search for a harmony between university autonomy and the strict regime of policing organs. The study gives an overview of these options


training of law enforcement professionals, police school, course for investigators, theoretical and practical disciplines, status of interns, sciences of state and law, sciences of state

How to Cite

Finszter, G. (2021). The Road from Police Academy to University. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 21(Különszám), 101–122.


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