Basic Dogmatic Issues Associated with Electronic Evidence


Since the middle of the 20th century, representatives of social sciences have a keen interest in the effect technology has on society. The same applies to legal science and, more specifically, to the science of criminal proceeding law. Technology and digital devices have multiple noticeable effects on this area of science, including the issue of electronic evidence. The appearance of electronic evidence gives rise to the re-consideration (but not necessarily the re-regulation) of the traditional dogmatic issues associated with proceeding law. This study focuses on how the administration of electronic evidence is regulated in the current and new Hungarian Act on Criminal Proceedings, respectively, as well as on the issues that may arise in connection therewith.


criminal procedure electronic evidence principle of free evaluation of evidence

How to Cite

Gácsi, A. E. (2018). Basic Dogmatic Issues Associated with Electronic Evidence. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 18(2), 77–89. Retrieved from


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