Examination of the International Relations of Hungarian Disaster Management and Its Development Opportunities

doi: 10.32577/mr.2023.2.4


The international relations of the Hungarian disaster management are rather extensive: it has bilateral and regional treaties, it cooperates closely with the European Union through its EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), it follows the work of the UN International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) through the HUNOR and HUSZÁR certified rescue teams, and it is represented by experts and professional diplomats in NATO’s largest non military programme, the Resilience Committee (RC). Perceiving and mastering international environment not only contributes to the potentially most effective implementation of operations abroad, but also hold a diplomatic value and has the possibility of professional development. Persistent and practical international cooperation helps to promote a positive professional and general image of the country, as well as to learn about best practices. The author aims to present this system and its possibilities for improvement, and to highlight the complexity and importance of the subject.


disaster management international relations civil protection UN NATO

How to Cite

Takács, G. (2023). Examination of the International Relations of Hungarian Disaster Management and Its Development Opportunities. Hungarian Law Enforcement, 23(2), 87–102. https://doi.org/10.32577/mr.2023.2.4


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