Comparing the Court Mediation in Hungary and the State of Indiana in the Midwest
Copyright (c) 2023 Schmidt Laura, Barabás Andrea Tünde

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
In Hungary, court mediation has been used in criminal cases since 2007, during which it is possible for the offender and the victim of a crime to come to an agreement on their own case with the help of a facilitator and resolve their conflicts together, thus avoiding the traditional criminal justice procedure and its consequences. In the United States of America, state of Indiana, this process is called mediation, during which the parties involved can communicate with each other with the help of a third, neutral party about how they can jointly repair the harms caused by the conflict. The purpose of the article is to analyse the legal framework and practical application of court mediation in Hungary and mediation in the state of Indiana, highlighting the similarities and differences that may arise by comparing the nature of the cases, the qualifications of the mediators, and the parties taking part in the process.
Hogyan kell idézni
Hatvani, Erzsébet (2010): Helyreállító igazságszolgáltatás, mediáció a büntető igazságszolgáltatásban, a Pártfogó Felügyelői Szolgálat gyakorlatában. Kriminológiai Közlemények, 67, 13–26.
Marshall, Tony F. (1996): The Evolution of Restorative Justice in Britain. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 4( 4), 21–43. Online:
Legal sources
Act IV of 1978 on the Criminal Code
Act XIX of 1998 on Criminal Procedures
Act CLXIII of 2007 on Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure in Criminal Proceedings
Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code
Act II of 2012 on Minor Offences, Offence Procedures and the Registration System of Offence
Act CLXXXVI of 2013
Act XC of 2017 on Criminal Procedures
BK Opinion of the Curia on Act C of 2012 and Act XIX of 1998
Community Justice & Mediation Center (2023): Restorative justice. Online:
Indiana Rules of Court (2021): Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution. Online:
Uniform Law Commission (2001): Mediation Act. Online: