Areas for Police Information Network Information Security Development

  • Fehér Judit


This information security assessment provides an objective and at the same time comprehensive picture of the state of security, control and risk management areas. To determine the information security context and to obtain real values, an examination of the documents and information systems which are part of the network, as well as potential threats and dangers to the network, must be carried out. In accordance with Hungarian Law, the Hungarian Police must guarantee the security of police information networks, therefore, development must focus on the administrative, logical and physical areas. These areas are determined at an organisational level and at the level of police information networks. The tasks and measures necessary to achieve security strategy objectives and to fulfil requirements are outlined in relation to these areas.


information security security class strategy measures administrative physical logical

Hogyan kell idézni

Fehér, J. (2016). Areas for Police Information Network Information Security Development. Magyar Rendészet, 16(3), 155–171. Elérés forrás


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