Cybersecurity Aspects and Public Perception of Autonomous Road Vehicles Part 1

doi: 10.32567/hm.2023.3.11


With the rise of embedded technologies and wireless capabilities, today’s vehicles are no longer isolated mechanical machines. They are becoming part of an interconnected system in which vehicles are constantly communicating with their individual system components in an internal network, as well as with each other and with the traffic control centre. This set of interconnected data is called a self-driving traffic management system. This system has the potential to support the future deployment of autonomous transport and to use artificial intelligence to significantly improve the safety, efficiency and sustainability of
transport. However, the emergence of autonomous means of transport raises new security issues that make the whole system a potential target for cyber security attacks, which could endanger both transport safety and human life.


autonomy transport cybersecurity

How to Cite

Katona, G. (2024). Cybersecurity Aspects and Public Perception of Autonomous Road Vehicles Part 1. Military Engineer, 18(3), 161–176.


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