Design of Pressurized Staircases

doi: 10.32567/hm.2023.3.7


One of the most important conditions for the efficient operation of pressurized stairwells is to
properly determine the capacity of the air supply system. In order to determine the required
amount of air to be introduced for this purpose, the Fire Protection Technical Guideline on Protection against Heat and Smoke spread recommends a technical solution. The safety
level defined in the National Fire Protection Regulation can also be achieved by complying with the national fire protection standard, which is the MSZ EN 12101-13:2022 standard, and the calculation methods included in it. In this publication, the determination of the amount of air to be introduced into an existing pressurized stairwell is presented, taking into account its characteristics. The values obtained by applying the calculation methods of the domestic as well as the harmonized standard are compared with the results of the ventilation measurement of the staircase.


pressurized staircases differential pressure measurements PDS ventilation systems

How to Cite

Mihály, I. (2024). Design of Pressurized Staircases. Military Engineer, 18(3), 83–102.


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Jogi források

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