Interpreting the Metaverse and Its Definition for Military Purposes Part 2
– System Interpretation
Copyright (c) 2024 Szeleczki Szilveszter
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The evolution of infocommunication networks is no better illustrated than their various capabilities. One of the challenges of infocommunications for military purposes is the issue of metaverse, and with it the need to answer the questions posed by virtual information environments. The relevance is clear even if it is a term that has already used in the past, the technology is now ready to implement networks that represent the associated fourdimensional
space. The military metaverse clearly raises many questions, both from a functional and security point of view. My goal is to understand the military metaverse at a systems level, examining its main aspects with the necessary perspective. A deeper study of this infocommunication network has become essential in order to realise the expected capabilities. The network-based system of the military metaverse requires a specific information environment.
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