Shaped Charge Body Producing with 3D Printer

doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.3.2


The use of shaped charges during industrial and military blasting process may provide significant benefits. The different destructions and disarming tasks accomplished by sappers or explosive disposal operators demand special methods with shaped charges. There may be some notable difference among those tasks which determine the engagement of different types of charges. We examine the possibilities of 3D printed shaped charge bodies in our study presenting an up-to-date solution. These examined possibilities showed that it is necessary to know well a ketcher software to execute a proper planning process.  During the printing procedures we faced with several problems, however, we managed to achieve our goals and multiple types of charge body were printed. The claim of time and material certifies that this method is applicable in industrial and military blasting processes too. 


shaped charge 3D printing blasting PLA

How to Cite

Ember, I., & Ádám, B. (2022). Shaped Charge Body Producing with 3D Printer. Military Engineer, 17(3), 35–44.


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