Business Continuity Planning in a Hospital Environment II
Risk Assessment and Efficiency Measurement
Copyright (c) 2022 Mészáros István, Bognár Balázs
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
In Hungary, the identification and designation of critical infrastructures of the healthcare sector began in 2016, including the subsector of the inpatient care. The Act on the identification, designation and protection of critical systems and facilities and its implementing decree requires operators of designated system components to prepare an Operator Security Plan. The ISO 22301 standard, which is a proven in international practice for operator security planning, is available and describes how professionals can design Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS). Additional requirements for the health sector are set out in a separated government decree on the identification, designation and protection of health-critical systems and facilities. In public administration and thus in healthcare sector, the practical application of a profit-oriented approach, and the focusing on the maintenance of “production”, is not the common practice. The concepts of profit and production are difficult to apply. The study examines the fundamentals of BCM thus the Risk Analysis, and Key Performance Indicators (KPI), as the BCMS efficiency measurement in public health.
How to Cite
Kátai-Urbán Irina – Cimer Zsolt – Szakál Béla – Vass Gyula: Risk Management in Population Protection. Science for Population Protection, 11. (2019), 2. 1–8.
Kátai-Urbán Lajos – Mészáros István – Vass Gyula: Iparbiztonság, válsághelyzeti tervezés. In Major László (szerk.): A katasztrófa-készenlét, a reagálás és a beavatkozásbiztonság egészségügyi alapjai. Budapest, Semmelweis Kiadó, 2019. 48–83.
Kátai-Urbán Lajos – Mesics Zoltán: Veszélyes üzemi biztonsági irányítási rendszer működtetése. Hadmérnök, 10. (2015), 1. 99–107.
Polinpapilinho, Katina – C. Ariel Pinto – Joseph Bradley – Patrick Hester: Interdependency-Induced Risk with Applications to Healthcare. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 7. (2014), 1. 12–26. Online:
Felhasznált szabványok, útmutatók
BM OKF KIV kockázatelemzési formadokumentum.
BM OKF, 2021. BM OKF Kockázatelemzés kitöltési útmutató.
BM OKF, 2021. BSI UK: Measurement Matters – The Role of Metrics in ISO 22301 – A BSI Whitepaper for Business. 2015.
ISO 22313: 2020 Társadalmi biztonság. Üzletmenet-folytonossági irányítási rendszerek. Útmutató az ISO 22301 alkalmazásához
MSZ EN ISO 22301:2020 Társadalmi biztonság, Üzletmenet-folytonossági irányítási rendszerek