Security Risk Assessment of a Road Vehicle Carrying a Hydrocarbon Gas Mixture in a Package

doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.3.3


Transport of dangerous goods is committed to strict, international regulations. The strict regulation of transport  of dangerous goods by road has a high importance, since  by releasing hazardous materials during a road accident  could create a potentially large area of risk. On the other  hand, the dangerous shipment passing through inhabited  areas can be a potential target of a terrorist attack by  utilising the properties of dangerous goods. There are  specific provisions in the dangerous goods transport regulations to reduce this type of risk, but these measures  may need to be adapted to the specificities of the narrower  economic, social and safety context. In this publication, the  authors examine the consequences of an intentional act  against a packaged shipment of propane-butane gas  exempted from security provisions, by using software risk  analysis. 


ADR industrial safety transport of dangerous goods by road security provisions terrorist attack package UN 1965 hydrocarbon gas mixture (A1 mixture) liquefied n. o.s.

How to Cite

Almási, C., & Cimer, Z. (2022). Security Risk Assessment of a Road Vehicle Carrying a Hydrocarbon Gas Mixture in a Package. Military Engineer, 17(3), 45–57.


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