The Situation of the Development of the Combat Radio Family of the Hungarian Defence Forces in the Light of the Zrínyi Defence and Armed Forces Development Program

Processes in the Development of the Combat Radio Family

  • Kovács Zoltán Imre
doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.2.13


The Hungarian Government launched a major development process for the armed forces, which will determine the coming decades. The objective of the long-term development program, which greatly affects the Hungarian Defence Forces, its structure and military technology, is to provide Hungary with a modern, capable and decisive force for the region, and to create important military capabilities. Within the framework of the Zrínyi Defence and Armed Forces Development Program, a number of capability development programs were launched, most of which aimed at the modernisation of military equipment and systems and the replacement of missing capabilities. Each capability development program is a complex process of activities, a set of different, yet closely related projects, which are significantly determined by the result to be achieved, the budget and the duration. In all cases, the realisation of projects has an impact on the creation of capabilities. The aim of the publication is to present and highlight – illustrated with some examples – the complexity of military technology development processes, the interaction of individual projects and determining factors, and their influence on the effectiveness of the entire capability.


capability development military technology command and control system infocommunication military radio

How to Cite

Kovács, Z. I. (2022). The Situation of the Development of the Combat Radio Family of the Hungarian Defence Forces in the Light of the Zrínyi Defence and Armed Forces Development Program: Processes in the Development of the Combat Radio Family. Military Engineer, 17(2), 187–203.


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