Elimination of Environmental Damages at Hazardous Plants – Remediation Technologies

doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.2.11


Nowadays, environmental protection, and within that the protection of the elements of the natural environment, has  become an important area in Hungary. Despite the fact that many laws and other regulations aim to prevent major  industrial accidents in hazardous plants, a possible  industrial accident can also cause significant damage to the environment, which must be remediated and the  environment restored. This is the purpose of the recently  introduced change in the legislation related to hazardous  plants, based on which the planning of activities concerning the restoration and clean-up of the environment has been  included in the mandatory content elements of emergency  plans. There are several available procedures for the remediation of environmental elements, and the choice of  the technology to be used can be based on a number of  factors. In this article, some of the technologies are presented that can be used to remediate soil and  groundwater.


industrial safety hazardous plants environmental remediation environment restoration

How to Cite

Szendi, R. (2022). Elimination of Environmental Damages at Hazardous Plants – Remediation Technologies. Military Engineer, 17(2), 159–170. https://doi.org/10.32567/hm.2022.2.11


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