Laboratory Safety from the Aspect of BLS (Basic Life Support)

doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.2.8


Chemical laboratories are needed to support chemical facilities, for any activity directly related to production, but  also to chemistry, including laboratories for industrial  purposes, laboratories for small-scale specialised testing,  control detection and laboratories for educational  purposes. One of the cornerstones of safety in laboratory  activities is the safety of the operator, staff and work  processes. Staff are not currently required to receive  regular training in first aid, even though they are the only  ones on site in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. In this  article, the authors focus on one of the areas of health insurance in special work areas, examining the conditions  for resuscitation. 


laboratory safety cardiopulmonary resuscitation basic life support cardiac arrest

How to Cite

Berek, T., & Veronika, N. (2022). Laboratory Safety from the Aspect of BLS (Basic Life Support). Military Engineer, 17(2), 113–128.


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