The Place of Electronic Intrusion Detection Systems in the Facility Protection of Solar Power Plants

doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.2.1


Due to technology, solar power plants are located in areas that require increased safety attention. Most of these areas  are located in the so-called brown zones. The surroundings  of solar panels located at the edge of inner areas are  typically busy, where pedestrians and car traffic is not  conspicuous. And outdoor solar arrays are located in  outlying areas where the barren environment poses a  safety risk. The aim of this article is to present the  application of electronic intrusion detectors in solar power  plants, highlighting the application points that are specific  to such objects. 


solar power plant solar energy electronic intrusion detector

How to Cite

Bozsik, N. (2022). The Place of Electronic Intrusion Detection Systems in the Facility Protection of Solar Power Plants. Military Engineer, 17(2), 5–15.


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