Defence and Nature Protection – Participation of the Hungarian Defence Sector in the LIFE Projects

doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.2.12


Militaries as societal sub-systems that can actively form their operational environment have more and more intense and complex interactions with the natural and social environment. During the planning, organisation and implementation of their daily routine tasks, defence organisations seek to fulfil their obligations under environmental and nature protection regulations within a regulated and institutional framework. They shall actively take part in mitigating the effects of damage caused and in remedying the consequences of damage. This study examines the participation of the Hungarian defence sector in the LIFE projects.


nature protection LIFE project military regulation societal welfare

How to Cite

Szilágyi, T. (2022). Defence and Nature Protection – Participation of the Hungarian Defence Sector in the LIFE Projects. Military Engineer, 17(2), 171–186.


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