The Experiences of the Defender-Europe 21 and the Linked National Exercises from the Period Threatened by the Coronavirus

  • Hattyár István
doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.2.4


In the present study, the author introduces the gained experiences of the Defender-Europe 21 high-visibility military exercise and the linked national exercises in their complexity, from planning and command and control point  of view. Thereby, the gained experiences might effectively  contribute to the planning of any complex military exercise  requiring synchronised activity in the future. The  exposition of the theme will focus on two parts. In the first  part the author will introduce the U.S. Army as well as the  national exercise planning processes and the related key findings. In the second part of the study, the gained  experiences of the execution of the exercises will be  presented including the introduction of the temporarily established national command and control element. 


exercise exercise planning process training

How to Cite

Hattyár, I. (2022). The Experiences of the Defender-Europe 21 and the Linked National Exercises from the Period Threatened by the Coronavirus. Military Engineer, 17(2), 53–69.


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Jogi forrás

/2021. (VI. 24.) Korm. határozat Magyarország Nemzeti Katonai Stratégiájáról