Development of Nuclear Power Plants in the Light of Generational Change

doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.2.7


Electricity generation is diverse worldwide, in Hungary, nuclear energy production is the most significant. The  development of nuclear reactors has been almost unbroken over the past eight decades and continues to this day. Their use goes far beyond securing energy supply, but this is one of their most defining tasks. Since the advent of the first  generation of nuclear power plants, a large-scale  technological and safety development have taken place,  which determine the operational safety of today. The  development of fourth generation nuclear power plants  could lead to further lifetime growth and significant safety  improvements. 


nuclear power plants nuclear reactors generational changes security

How to Cite

Barina, B. . (2022). Development of Nuclear Power Plants in the Light of Generational Change. Military Engineer, 17(2), 99–112.


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