Direct and Indirect Environmental and Health Care System Impact of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Incidents

  • Farkas Csaba Bence
doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.1.5


The worldwide increase in the case number of disasters is a serious challenge for the affected regions, nations. Because  of globalisation, the expanding industrial- technological sector, and the wide-scale utilisation of  radioactive substances, including in nuclear power plants,  the possibility of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents’ involvement in these events is imminent.  The goal of this study is to explore and summarise, through real-life examples, the complex mechanisms of action of  chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear disasters in  connection with direct and indirect environmental impact. 


chemical biological radiological nuclear incident CBRN environmental protection mass fatality incident

How to Cite

Farkas, C. B. (2022). Direct and Indirect Environmental and Health Care System Impact of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Incidents. Military Engineer, 17(1), 67–82.


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