Review of Remote Sensing Technologies for the Acquisition of Very High Vertical Accuracy Elevation Data (DEM) in the Framework of the Precise Remediation of Industrial Disasters – Part 2

doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.2.10


Based on the information gathered within the technologies review performed in the previous article, the authors  analyse if the deferent technologies could efficiently (or  not) support the excavation work to be performed for the  remediation of industrial disasters. At first sight, some  technologies reach the requested accuracy. But after  considering the error propagation when the technologies  are applied in the condition of the fieldwork, it turned out that none of the remote sensing techniques we have  reviewed finally offers sufficient accuracy to reach the 2.5 cm relative vertical accuracy target that was set. The final  conclusion is a direct realtime measurement in the field,  and the development of an appropriate apparatus for the real-time control of the blade may be the appropriate solution to reach the targeted accuracy in the field. This  approach should be examined and developed in a next  research work. 


Remote sensing DEM industrial disaster remediation LiDAR photogrammetry UAV accuracy

How to Cite

Lucas, G., Gergely , L., Lénárt, C., & Solymosi, J. . (2022). Review of Remote Sensing Technologies for the Acquisition of Very High Vertical Accuracy Elevation Data (DEM) in the Framework of the Precise Remediation of Industrial Disasters – Part 2. Military Engineer, 17(2), 147–158.


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