An Overview of the Biomechanical Characteristics of the Human Hip, Knee and Spine, as well as the Changes Caused by Exercise

Part 3: Biomechanics of the Lumbar Spine

doi: 10.32567/hm.2022.3.12


In the third part of my article series, I perform a biomechanical analysis of the lumbar spine. I will use  examples from the literature to show what a significant  effect increased load, effects on the spine during military  service and other factors have on the development of spine  complaints. To counterbalance the burden of training and deployment, I consider building a strategy based on appropriate preventive factors to be important, thereby  increasing the effectiveness of treatment and ultimately reducing the risk of developing spine diseases.


lumbar spine biomechanics degenerative disease disc herniation low back pain

How to Cite

Zsákai, Z. . (2022). An Overview of the Biomechanical Characteristics of the Human Hip, Knee and Spine, as well as the Changes Caused by Exercise: Part 3: Biomechanics of the Lumbar Spine. Military Engineer, 17(3), 187–206.


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