The Execution of the Electronic Data Collection Tasks Made by the UN-classified USAR Teams on Extended Disaster Area Using the INSARAG ICMS

doi: 10.32567/hm.2021.2.5


The United Nations (UN)-classified urban search and rescue teams are primarily prepared for special tasks to be carried out at the scene of earthquake disasters. Due to the type of the disaster and the strength of the earthquake, this will most often mean an extensive site of damage. In this dilapidated and most often life-threatening arena, missing and trapped people must be found and rescued, often with the help of a dog, an acoustic device or a search camera. A number of international rescue teams may be deployed to strengthen the capabilities of local forces, and national and international intervening personnel must work together to be effective. In the future, these management and coordination tasks can be professionally solved, and the common platform for this will be the ICMS system in many parts of the world.


search and rescue electronic data collection ICMS

How to Cite

Hábermayer, T. (2021). The Execution of the Electronic Data Collection Tasks Made by the UN-classified USAR Teams on Extended Disaster Area Using the INSARAG ICMS. Military Engineer, 16(2), 57–68.