Possibilities of Electronic Jamming of WLAN Networks in the Physical Layer
Copyright (c) 2022 Haig Zsolt, Illési Zsolt, Varga Péter János

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Wireless local area networks or WLANs are the necessary underlying communication technology of consumer electronics, mobile computers and mobile phones of our days. Thanks to the comfortable operations and ubiquitous applicability for work and entertainment, the demand surged for these devices in the last 15 years. WLAN solutions provide the opportunity for mobility. But these networks communicate via radio waves with devices, which can be eavesdropped on and attacked. One form of attack is jamming. This article analyses the most frequent WLAN standards and the jamming options, particularly the execution of electronic jamming in the physical layer.
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