Hospital Disaster Management – Evacuation of Perinatal Intensive Care Units Based on Emergency Management Plan
Copyright (c) 2022 Mészáros István
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
The purpose of this study is to illustrate the special cases of a fire in a hospital especially in a perinatal intensive department, that may be encountered by the firefighters. Due to these special circumstances, the evacuation time of the facility can be significantly increased. There are unusual evacuation and rescue methods, which require special devices and more intense human resources. The evacuation requirement of a hospital is more than a usual evacuation plan, the goal is to maintain the health care services during and after the evacuation, so it is necessary to apply the Evacuation Plan of the Hospital Disaster Plan during a fire evacuation. This requires much more accurate and complex training from both the firefighters and the medical staff. Also, its effectiveness depends to a large extent on the architectural and fire protection design of the building, its modernity, the available medical and rescue equipment and the number of medical staff. The study examines the approximation and joint applicability of the plans above, based on the experience of a hospital evacuation exercise.
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Legal sources
/1996 (XII.6.) Ministry of the Interior’s Decree on the preparation of fire protection regulations.
/2014 (VIII.19.) EMMI Decree on the content requirements of health contingency plans of hospitals and amendment of certain ministerial provisions on health care.
/2014 (XII.5.) Ministry of the Interior’s Decree on the National Fire Protection Regulations.
Act XXXI of 1996 on the protection against fire, technical rescue and the Fire Department.
Act CLIV of 1997 on Health.