Challenges for the Development of Social Security Rules of Posting in European Union Law

  • Mészáros Árpád
doi: 10.32559/et.2022.3-4.4


The main objective of the study is to explore and highlight the main challenges arising from the development of EU law in the field of the regulation of postings as exceptions under social security legislation. Since 1959, finding an appropriate solution to the derogation from the main rule (lex loci laboris) has been a fundamental challenge. The main driver of legal development has been the need and the result of addressing the issue: Is posting really an instrument of unfair competition or, on the contrary, a genuine instrument of freedom to provide services?
With this in mind, it is necessary to take into account the specific regulatory challenges and the law-enhancing effects of the judgments of the European Court of Justice. The Commission’s proposal to amend the social security coordination rules in 2016, which sought to respond to the new challenges but which has not yet been adopted, was an important milestone in the regulation of posting. Among a number of specific issues, the shortcomings and limitations of administrative procedures, lack of capacity, and the lack of interest of the institutions in controls deserve to be highlighted. The Commission’s proposal itself has not provided complex answers to these challenges, and the challenges and sensitive issues will remain on the agenda, the search for solutions in principle and in practice remains a timely issue.


social security posting of workers unfair competition or freedom to provide services judicial development regulatory challenges


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