The Correlations of Regional Development and Policy for Supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Copyright (c) 2023 Máthé Péter
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, accession to the European Union has made significant development resources available from the Structural Funds. The bulk of these development funds has gone directly to support small and medium-sized enterprises. The present research addresses the question of whether the territorial allocation of SME support has been driven rather competitiveness than convergence. Are there more successful regions in the country in this area? The research examines the spatial distribution of non-reimbursable aid to SMEs in the six Hungarian convergence regions of the 2007–2013 planning period at the microregional level. The author examines the application activity of the microregion’s enterprises according to the indicators of the economic development of the microregion. The research uses several statistical methods to find the correlations between the development of a microregion and the application absorption of SMEs in that region. The research results highlight the microregions where the activity of SMEs exceeded the level of the surrounding microregions, or where the entrepreneurs of a region were less successful in using the opportunities provided by development funds.
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