Possible Directions for the Development of the Szeklerland Region

doi: 10.32559/et.2022.1-2.5


Administratively, Szeklerland is not a recognized region, it is made up of three counties, Maros, Hargita, Kovászna, however, even their borders do not delineate its territory, since Maros County only partially belongs to the mentioned region. One of the main characteristics of this area is that more than 70% of the population is Hungarian-speaking. Partly due to this, and partly due to historical events, the people who live here interpret this geographical unit as a region with no administrative borders, but certainly with psychological borders. The study shows that its economic situation can be said to be semi-peripheral, in the eastern corner of Europe, within the framework of a semi-peripheral country, Romania. The question is how can the region break out of its current situation and start on the path of economic development? Known macroeconomic indicators are presented, the situation of the infrastructure, unique and untapped opportunities, and the identification of the main directions that can lead to economic success, taking into account the characteristics of the global environment.


Szeklerland economy development globalization regional


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