The V4’s Economic and Political Relations with Israel
– Voting Behaviour in the UN General Assembly in the Context of the V4’s Relations with Israel
Copyright (c) 2023 Seidner Márton
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In my research, I examine the voting behaviour of the Visegrad Group (Visegrad Cooperation, Visegrad countries, Visegrad Four, V4) over the past ten years, based on United Nations (UN) General Assembly resolutions on Israel. The General Assembly voted on 870 resolutions between 2012 and 2022. For these resolutions, I examined the countries voting behaviour. In the framework of a comprehensive introduction, I present the history, foundations and major milestones of the Visegrad Cooperation. In order to interpret the development of the Visegrad Cooperation, the methodology of its study and the results of the individual research, I consider it necessary to present the development of economic relations between Israel and the V4, to briefly describe Israel’s national and diaspora foreign policy interests. The research aims to find the answer, whether Israel’s foreign policy efforts have been successful in building relations with the Visegrad Cooperation. To what extent the upgrading of Israeli–V4 economic relations has contributed to the development of a pro-Israel attitude in the V4. As a result of this research, I will present the voting mechanism of the Visegrad Cooperation in the UN General Assembly, examining which countries vote for or against the European Union (EU) or the Israeli position.
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- 1163/2020. (IV. 21.) Korm. határozat Magyarország Nemzeti Biztonsági Stratégiájáról