The Evaluation of Ukraine’s Economic Integration Maturity
Copyright (c) 2023 Tankovsky Oleg

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The paper discusses the issue of economic maturity in the case of Ukraine. The country has joined the European Union’s Eastern Partnership program in 2008 and since then several economic issues and problems were revealed related to their accession. The aim of this paper is to analyze the economic integration maturity of Ukraine before the Maidan square revolution and since then. The paper suggests that the country was not fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria in 2014, and during the reign of the Poroshenko administration the situation only worsened. The paper forms the hypothesis that Ukraine does not fulfill all the economic criteria for EU accession in 2021 despite their political willingness. To prove this, the paper uses the methodology of economic integration maturity theory. Future prolongation of the work could be a research about the current possibilities of the Ukrainian government in the framework of Eastern Partnership.
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