Analysis of the Labour Market Situation in the European Union during the Coronavirus Crisis

doi: 10.32559/et.2021.2.6


The coronavirus crisis, which occurred in 2019 and then turned into a global crisis in 2020, also had a significant impact on the functioning of the labour market. This study examines the labour market situation in the European Union during the period of the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic. In our own studies, we conducted secondary research based on the Eurostat database. In summary, the coronavirus crisis had a negative impact on the labour markets of the EU Member States, worsening the EU27 unemployment rate by an average of around 1.2 percentage over the period under review. In all sectors examined, employment indicators deteriorated. Support for EU Member States to preserve jobs has been most intense since the first wave of the coronavirus.


covid-19 governmental measures coronavirus crisis labor market European Union


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