Evaluation of Montenegro’s EU Maturity in the Light of Economic Indicators
Copyright (c) 2024 Ferkelt Balázs

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Montenegro submitted its EU membership application to the Council in 2008. Accession negotiations started in 2012 with the Western Balkan country. In December 2023, out of the 33 chapters opened during the negotiations, only 3 chapters were temporarily closed. The aim of the study is to examine on the basis of the European Commission’s country report, the EBRD’s Transition Report, the OECD’s Competitiveness Report, as well as the evaluation of a wide range of macro indicators, to what extent Montenegro can be considered mature for joining the European Union based on its economic structure, performance and catch-up. In the last 15 years, the country has achieved a slow economic catch-up, but it is not yet considered mature for integration from an economic point of view. In order to meet the economic criteria for EU accession, the country still needs to implement reforms in many areas and strictly adhere to budgetary discipline.
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