Potential Sticking Points between EU Accession Requirements and National Interests in Serbia, with Special Reference to Geopolitical and Minority Issues
Copyright (c) 2024 Zsivity Tímea

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It is worth examining the current state of Serbia’s accession to the European Union in a wider socio-historical and economic-political context. The country contacted the EU on 24 November 2000, when it joined the Stabilisation and Association Process as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The aim of this paper is, on the one hand, to present the impact of the EU’s priorities on Serbia’s domestic policy that have a major impact on cooperation between the two sides: the rule of law, fundamental rights, strengthening democratic institutions, the fight against organised crime, economic development and increased competitiveness, and the recognition of Kosovo’s independence. On the other hand, this paper aims to outline the difficulties caused by geopolitical events and the obstacles to accession. While Serbia has primarily an economic interest in accession, the EU needs to take into account geo- and security policy aspects in order to maintain the stability of its own borders and those of the continent, and to preserve its position in global politics. As President-in-Office of the EU Council, Hungary will not only have the opportunity to boost the accession process of the Western Balkans, but also to put the region’s concerns at the top of the EU’s political agenda, in line with the criteria for accession to the EU. Geographically, Serbia is situated at the intersection of three civilisations – Western Christianity, Eastern Orthodoxy and Islam. On the one hand, as a consequence of the Austro–Hungarian Empire’s influence, the presence of “Western” values is already perceptible, and on the other hand, due to the country’s history, the Orthodox Christianity and Islam also strongly influence its attitude to certain socio-political issues. This dichotomy, among others, has left its mark on the country’s relations with minorities, its relationship with Kosovo, and its attitude to the Russian–Ukrainian war. Successful EU accession is not just about complying with the technical rules of integration, but about commitment to and compliance with the principles of EU law.
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