Regulation of Assisted Reproduction in Hungary
Copyright (c) 2024 Zádori János, Szoboszlai-Kiss Katalin
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Following the implementation of state oversight of human reproductive procedures in 2020, several regulations have been introduced to mitigate potential issues. To enhance patient care and alleviate the workload of IVF centers, a network of specialized infertility outpatient clinics will be established alongside existing centers of assisted reproduction. These changes aim to address the challenges faced by infertility centers and improve the chances of patients having children. The policy currently allows for up to five insurance-funded treatment cycles, while cryopreserved embryo transfers are not subject to a specific limit. Furthermore, the previous threemonth waiting period between treatment cycles has been eliminated, and restrictions on the number of embryos that can be implanted have been implemented. Limiting the number of embryos transferred during IVF procedures is a common practice aimed at reducing the risks associated with multiple pregnancies. By allowing only one embryo for the first transfer up to the age of 36, especially when transferred on day five of embryonic development, this initiative prioritizes the health and safety of both the mother and potential offspring. It helps to minimize the chances of complications such as preterm birth and low birth weight, which are more common with multiple pregnancies. Additionally, it can improve the overall success rates of IVF by focusing on the quality of the transferred embryo rather than the quantity. The Hungarian government anticipates that these measures will enhance the success rates of IVF treatments, consequently leading to a rise in future childbirths and a decrease in the number of frozen embryos. This study aims to delineate the effectiveness of the introduced changes in 2023 and provide recommendations accordingly.
How to Cite
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Legal sources
- 1997. évi CLIV. törvény az egészségügyről [Act CLIV of 1997 on healthcare]
- 30/1998. (VI. 24.) NM rendelet az emberi reprodukcióra irányuló különleges eljárások végzésére vonatkozó, valamint az ivarsejtekkel és embriókkal való rendelkezésre és azok fagyasztva tárolására vonatkozó részletes szabályokról [NM Decree 30/1998 (24.VI.) on the detailed rules for the performance of special procedures for human reproduction, the disposal of gametes and embryos and their frozen storage]