Dasvidaniya, Russia! The European Court of Human Rights and the Ex- Member State Excluded from the Council of Europe. What is Next after Divorce?

  • Csapó Zsuzsanna
doi: 10.32566/ah.2024.1.1


The invasion of Russia against Ukraine in 2022 led to the aggressor’s exclusion from the Council of Europe in March. The European Convention on Human Rights, the core human rights document of the now 46-member pan-European organisation, has also not bound the Russian Federation since September the same year. What will be the fate of the ongoing Russianrelated cases before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg? Will the procedures be suspended, terminated or continued? How did the ECtHR decide on these issues in 2023? How is compliance with the judgments delivered but not yet enforced, ensured? Nonetheless, is it not counterproductive to exclude a country from an international human rights protection mechanism? This study aims to answer these questions.


Russian Federation Council of Europe European Court of Human Rights exclusion ongoing cases in Strasbourg

How to Cite

Csapó, Z. (2024). Dasvidaniya, Russia! The European Court of Human Rights and the Ex- Member State Excluded from the Council of Europe. What is Next after Divorce?. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 12(1), 5–22. https://doi.org/10.32566/ah.2024.1.1


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