Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Enterprises

  • Horváth Klaudia Gabriella
doi: 10.32566/ah.2023.3.8


The topic of corporate sustainability was analysed in the paper with regard to how theories are consistent with the applicability of international corporate sustainability frameworks and indices. The results show that the frameworks and indices that classify companies as “sustainable” usually view corporate sustainability as a way of balancing the positive and negative effects of business. Hence, companies considered to be sustainable often do not represent values related to corporate sustainability and sustainable development. In this context, the key to encouraging strategic thinking about corporate sustainability lies in connecting profit oriented and sustainability aspects of business operations. Consequently, instead of applying comprehensive international indices, the development of the companies’ own sustainability measurement models based on individual priorities is recommended.


sustainability economic development corporate sustainability measuring sustainability

How to Cite

Horváth, K. G. (2023). Corporate Sustainability and Sustainable Enterprises. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 11(3), 165–184.


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