The Theoretical and Institutional Background of Regional Sustainability and the Examination of Social Capital in V4 Countries with the Help of Some Indicators of Sustainable Development

  • Kormos Zoltán
doi: 10.32566/ah.2023.3.5


After a theoretical overview of regional sustainability and the territorial competitiveness and adaptability that determine it, the study follows up the history of the European Union’s regional policy and the development of the institutional background of regional sustainability. Following this, it examines the situation of the planning and statistical regions in Visegrád countries from the point of view of their social capital, with the help of internationally accepted key indicators of sustainable development. It draws attention to the differences between regions with significantly different paths of development even within countries in terms of their social capital, which fundamentally determines their sustainable development in the long term, too.


regional sustainability competitiveness adaptability social capital

How to Cite

Kormos, Z. (2023). The Theoretical and Institutional Background of Regional Sustainability and the Examination of Social Capital in V4 Countries with the Help of Some Indicators of Sustainable Development. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 11(3), 97–115.


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