The Connection Between Totalitarian Symbols and the Freedom of Speech on Light of the Recent ’Z’ Dilemma
Copyright (c) 2025 Herédi Gergő

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It is a constant issue, whether a symbol, formerly used by totalitarian systems, could be subject to criminal law ban, because it offends the human dignity of others. Is it proportionate to constrain the right of free speech for this reason? What happens, when an Indian citizen displays a swastika, and insists, that for him, this symbol does not represent Nacism, but rather welfare and good luck. Or take a more recent example: let’s assume that a Hungarian citizen is convicted in Lithuania for wearing a shirt with a ’Z’ letter on it, the public display of which has been banned in the country since 2022, for symbolizing the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The question arises: what is more imoprtant: the meaning of the symbol for the society in which it is displayed, or its meaning to the person who displays it? In this article, I seek the answer for these questions, with an outook to the problems arising from the relativism of the symbols’ meaning and the actual ’Z’ dilemma.
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