Suffrage, Electoral Systems and Referendum at the Border of Public Law and Politics:

Review of the Book Entitled Studies on the Current Issues of Suffrage, Electoral Systems and Referendum (ed. by Téglási András)

  • Horváth Attila
doi: 10.32566/ah.2021.2.10


The volume, covering eight studies, discusses the various segments of suffrage, electoral systems and referendum; in addition to the Hungarian legal regulations, it also touches upon the German and Slovak electoral systems. The analyses, mostly from the point of view of law and to a lesser extent from the point of view of political science, place great emphasis on outlining the domestic and international experiences, regulatory models, challenges and dilemmas related to the topic.


suffrage electoral system electoral procedure referendum

How to Cite

Horváth, A. (2021). Suffrage, Electoral Systems and Referendum at the Border of Public Law and Politics:: Review of the Book Entitled Studies on the Current Issues of Suffrage, Electoral Systems and Referendum (ed. by Téglási András). Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 9(2), 221–227.


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