The Role of the Catholic Church in Promotion of Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities
Copyright (c) 2021 Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication
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Due to our proper socialisation, we turn to the disabled with the respect and acceptance that they deserve. Furthermore, our system of law pays special attention to the protection of their rights. The principle of positive discrimination is a highly important safeguard: it entitles them – along considering their conditions – to the most possible additional licences with which they can start their lives with (nearly) the same chances as their fellow citizens. Christianity, including the Catholic Church, played a key role in developing European attitude and right protection. In this study I am proving that the European right protection mechanism cannot be understood without the teaching of the Catholic Church on sick people. I am verifying my hypothesis from the points of view of theology, Canon Law, history of ideas and of arts. I am emphasising the differences between the aspect of fundamental law and the current theological teaching of the Church, which materialise the most clearly in the protection of the unborn child’s right to life.