The Constitutional Dimension of Conscience

  • Deli Gergely
doi: 10.32566/ah.2020.3.4


The basic question of the study is on what grounds a Christian can sue? Even if it were his/her fundamental rights protected by the Constitution, would it be better, if he/she mildly gave up his/her claim? This essay seeks to address this problem with the help of the evening examination of conscience. It draws the contours of an “emotional”, intent-oriented constitutionalism, based on human salvation and focusing on vices, instead of the mainstream, individualistic, consequence-oriented and rational constitutionalism.


conscience mainstream constitutionalism Christian constitutionalism fundamental rights

How to Cite

Deli, G. . (2020). The Constitutional Dimension of Conscience. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 8(3), 55–71.


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