Examination of Managing New Types of Security Challenges for Specific Areas of the Private Security Sector from the Aspect of Extending the Right of Arms Possession

  • Szabó Csaba


The research in this study and the issues related to the new types of security challenges examine the private security sector in terms of individual areas of expertise and outline effective responses to the question of the problem of irregular migration in Europe, the security risk of the spread of radical Islamic terrorism, as well as the problem of terrorism perpetrated by asymmetric methods in Europe. The study primarily examines these issues with tools of weapons management, supplemented by the possibility of extending the right to arms in the special areas of the private security sector. 


Security Challenges Private Security Sector Right of Arms Possession

How to Cite

Szabó, C. (2017). Examination of Managing New Types of Security Challenges for Specific Areas of the Private Security Sector from the Aspect of Extending the Right of Arms Possession. Acta Humana – Human Rights Publication, 5(6), 147–146. Retrieved from https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/actahumana/article/view/1833


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